Sunday, April 18, 2010

Childhood in a Shtetl

Dr. Gannes describes the pograms of 1918 and 1919 in the region near Winograd, 21 miles from Zvenigorodka: "For three months we lived in fear and without any government protection. From time to time, bands numbering thirty to forty riders, fully armed, enter our shtetl, drive the Jews from the synagogue,surround it, threaten to shoot them, and demand tribute to be paid immediately..." Ransom was demanded and "when the women brought the money, they and the men were killed...the women were hacked to pieces."

Childhood in a shtetl (Open Library)

1 comment:

  1. On July 26, 1918, "Zvenigorodka
    (near Kiev): Seventeen Jews killed, and fifty-one wounded...
